
This guide details one way of installing slippy. It is assumed that the reader has no experience in python but is familiar with some programming.

Installing python

It is recommended to install python by installing anaconda, this is a popular scientific python distribution. The latest version of anaconda can be found at:

SlipPY requires that the >=3.6 version should be installed.

Making a virtual environment

When using python it is common to install new packages (such as slippy) to make certain tasks easier. Unfortunately sometimes these packages have conflicting requirements. Installing a package with conflicting requirements can cause other packages to stop working.

Because of this it is always recommended to work in a ‘virtual environment’ and to use a different virtual environment for each project.

When anaconda is installed there will be a program called anaconda prompt available. This is not a python interpreter, it is used only for manging your installation and launching programs.

To make a new virtual environment and install python into it, type the following into the anaconda prompt, you can replace name_of_env with a descriptive name:

conda create -n name_of_env python==3.8 pip

When this environment is activated any packages installed will be installed only for this environment. The environment can be activated by typing the following:

conda activate name_of_env

You should notice that the text to the left of the cursor displays the name of the current environment.

Installing slippy

Now that the environment is activated slippy can be installed by typing the following into the anaconda prompt:

python -m pip install slippy

This will install slippy and all of it’s dependencies for the current environment.

Using slippy (recommendations)

It is recommended that the user install an IDE (integrated development environment) to use with python. These are text editors that allow the user to run code and view current variables in a user friendly manner. The three listed below are easy to use and install, note that if you wish to run the examples you will need to install jupyter:

spyder: Probably the most popular open source IDE for python, can be installed by typing: ‘conda install spyder’ and run by typing: ‘spyder’ into the anaconda prompt, gives a very matlab like experience.

pycharm: An advanced IDE with many useful features for developing large projects.

jupyter: An alternative development set up, probably the best for scientific computing. Sets up a local server and runs in a browser, allows the user to mix code, text and inline plots. Installed by typing: ‘conda install jupyter’, run by typing: ‘jupyter notebook’